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New Families


Kindergarten After Care Lottery


The Wellington Student Care Program holds a lottery for the after school spots available for kindergarteners. Only new families with kindergartners participate in the lottery. Currently enrolled families with incoming kindergarteners use a different enrollment process.


Lottery registration is closed. The lottery for kindergarten normally occurs in late May or early June.


Families that do not receive a spot via the lottery are placed on a wait list.


Those who receive a spot have two weeks to return their enrollment materials and secure their place in the Wellington Student Care Program.


  • If a family does not enroll by the deadline, they are added to the wait list and a family on the wait list is selected for their spot.

  • If a family that has enrolled finds out that they have been redistricted to a school other than Wellington, the deposit and registration fee will be returned and a family on the wait list will be offered the opening.


There is no lottery for Morning Care. Families can enroll in this program after the Kindergarten Lottery takes place in May. Contact the Director to enroll.


Enrollment Outside of the Kindergarten Lottery


Families with students in Grades 1 to 4, as well as those with a kindergartner who missed the Kindergarten Lottery, should contact the Director to find out if space is available in the After Care Program. If a spot is not available in your student’s grade, you will be placed on the wait list.


Generally there is availability in the Morning Care Program. Contact the Director to enroll.




Boy Coloring

Wellington Student Care is a non-profit organization licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.

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