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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Who runs the Wellington Student Care Program?
    The Wellington Student Care Program is a non-profit organization that provides before and after school care to families of Wellington students in grades K-4. The program leases space from the Town of Belmont and is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. The program is run by a dedicated Director, a Site Coordinator, and a staff of part-time educators with experience working with children in group settings. The program is governed by a Board made up of parents of children enrolled in the program (elected annually), the co-Presidents of the Wellington PTO (who have one vote and represent the larger school community), and the Program Director (as a non-voting member). Board members have professional experience in child care quality and programming, education, non-profit management, finance, legal services, and marketing. The Board is responsible for setting and enacting policies, monitoring and making decisions about the program’s budget, and ensuring program quality.
  • What is the Wellington Student Care Program’s philosophy and focus?
    The program offers a tailored curriculum and schedule for each grade that is implemented by consistent staff teams and team leads. The program pays careful attention to staff-child ratios, group size, and age-appropriate activities throughout the day to provide positive and safe experiences for children in the program. The curriculum includes a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, cooking, science and nature, gross motor activities and games, and free choice inventions. The program regularly offers additional enrichment activities. There are daily opportunities for inside and outside free play, group leader-directed activities, group leader-facilitated games, homework, and a healthy snack.
  • How big is the program?
    The Wellington Student Care program is licensed to serve up to 170 students per day it was one of the largest licensed after school programs in the state pre-COVID and has expanded dramatically in the past six years (from 145 to 170 to 210 and back to 170 due to COVID related issues). The program is committed to maintaining consistent staff teams and customized programming for different age groups to ensure a high-quality experience for participating children.
  • What spaces does the program operate in?
    The state license designates the spaces that the program is allowed to operate in and the number of students allowed at one time in each space. Currently the program is licensed to use the following spaces in the Wellington school building: cafeteria, gym, Community Room, music room, art room, and preschool classrooms.
  • How do we enroll?
    Families with incoming kindergarteners enroll in the After Care Program through a Kindergarten Lottery. Families with students in Grades 1 to 4, as well as those with a kindergartner who missed the Kindergarten Lottery, enroll by contacting the Director. Visit the registration process page for more information.
  • How is the wait list managed?
    Information about the wait list is available here.

Wellington Student Care is a non-profit organization licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.

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